The Warriner MAT opens brand new Primary school

Monday 11th September 2023 saw the first pupils arrive at our brand-new Primary School. Situated at the heart of the Graven Hill development, the 2-form entry primary school has 12 classrooms, specialist facilities for art, design and technology and more than 13,000 square metres of pitches, play and multi-use games areas. The pre-school can accommodate a further 90 pupils aged between 2-4 years in three classrooms, with dedicated facilities and play areas.
The school is being led by Mr Matt Green who has been headteacher in a number of our trust primary schools. Matt has recruited a fabulous team of highly experienced and skilled staff who will work together to ensure that all of our new children settle quickly. The new team will receive all the support of our central team to ensure that children receive the highest quality education
Annabel Kay, CEO of the Warriner Multi Academy Trust, said: “We are so excited by the opportunity to work closely with members of the Graven Hill community to ensure that the primary school is one that we are all proud of and, most importantly, one where our children can thrive.
To find out more please go to the school website: