The Warriner Multi Academy Trust takes Southfield Primary School out of Special Measures

The Warriner Multi Academy Trust reaches out to support a school at rock bottom after having gone into Special Measures. Within just two years Southfield Primary School have been judged good in two key areas due to the support from the trust.
In the Autumn of 2019, Southfield Primary School were judged Inadequate by Ofsted, making them a very unattractive prospect for any trust to take on. The Warriner MATs commitment to moral leadership made it vital to respond to this school in need. In just two years, after a routine Ofsted monitoring visit, the inspection team announced that they were more than happy that the school was no longer inadequate.
The Ofsted report states:
Pupils who attend Southfield Primary School describe their school as being a kind and creative place to be. They like learning during lessons, learning new things and feel safe because they know that the adults will take care of them.
Dr Kay stated, “To have taken a school from such a low starting point in a little over two years whilst in a global pandemic is something that we are all so proud of. Furthermore, to have been judged Good for Leadership & Management and Behaviour and Attitudes is the icing on the cake because this shows that we have taken staff and children firmly with us”.